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Keep Calm…


Figured I would do a little blogging while I sip this cup of super hot tea. Anyone else out there tea drinkers? I go through waves where I drink a lot and I’m not quite sure if it helps me sleep or not but it sure doesn’t hurt. And it’s a little bit better for your body than a beer, or so they say.


I’m still very surprised on the amount of hits my last post received in such a short period of time. I really appreciate everyone’s inputs and the plan is to just stay the course whether people believe in it or not. But having the support from even a group of strangers really helps so that’s a big thank you to all of you.


The week is already starting off pretty rough but the weather looks like it’s going to be pretty amazing. I am surely looking forward to that although there will definitely be a continued lack of ride time. But I keep saying, “Brantley worked his ass off. He’s handling time of well. It’s fine.” And it will be.

I knew that one day we would get to the point where even though he’s had some time off, I’d still be able to hop on for a quick hack without any bologna or ground driving routines. Obviously I will always try my best to set him up for success but I don’t mind a little less work during my day. Especially when a break is exactly what I need. Brantley gave me that the other day and I couldn’t be more proud of him. Proudest moment so far of 2018? I think so. Have you had one yet?

“I’ve always known we were two puzzle pieces that fit together in a hollow that is our pain. There was a time when I was certain we were too damaged not to destroy each other. Now I think we are saving each other.” – Lisa Renee Jones

6 thoughts on “Keep Calm…”

  1. I’m an obsessive tea drinker. Most of my spice rack is actually different loose leaf teas. I don’t coffee unless things are really dire but I’m already on cup #2 of tea for this morning.

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