
Dylan Update 💛

We love a trip to Tufts, especially when you’re running late, it’s cold and rainy, and your palomino decides that their pee spot is the best place to take a hard nap right before being loaded onto the trailer. No time to brush! Move those self-loading feet!

Obviously this was the day that what seemed like an entire classroom of vet students poured out behind Dr. D for Dylan’s trot-up. “I swear that tail is normally more white than yellow!” I got a chuckle and a “you worry too much” from everyone about my concerns of course.

He’s been excellent during his trot-ups this far so I wasn’t worried until I saw the tail come up and his head start to do his wild horse flip thing. My face turned white as I prayed the technician wouldn’t have to start our appointment with a concussion. Luckily he kept it together (and was totally sound) so we made our way in to see the farrier.

Let’s just say we are almost there and “almost” means we don’t have to come back unless things get weird. I was thrilled and obviously made the comment, “I’m so thankful for you guys, but also thankful that I won’t have to see you again any time soon.” We all feel that way after a journey like this and I will glad to put him back on Brantley’s farrier rotation. My wallet will too.

“Almost” also meant that Dylan got the okay to go back to his “working horse” life (not that he had much of that before). Yep, you guessed it. I cried as we walked back to the trailer. Trip after trip to Tufts. Day after day stuck in his stall… No more! Of course I don’t want to speak too soon, but I do feel a wild sense of relief.

I threw him on the lunge for the first time last night. I thought about popping him in the round pen but 1. it was dark and 2. I figured I’d have a better handle on him since he loves to turn into a motocross bike when he’s in there. I even set up some poles because he’s always liked them and slows down his tiny feet to focus. He was way better than I set myself up for.

You could tell the way he held his neck and scooped his tail that he was trying to be a gentleman as he dragged his nose on the ground to find a place to roll. We had some Lipizzaner moments that he was so proud of but once he got a few good ka-pows out, he relaxed through his walk and even had a soft trot on the line.

I am obviously in no rush to get this guy back under saddle but I am certainly excited to fill in some foundation holes on the way to get there. I definitely feel that the year before he got hurt I had let him down a bit, both of them in all honesty. But I think that the time I have taken for myself will set us both up for success this time around.

I am already feeling all sorts of motivated and trying not to overthink what I’m asking. The doctor said back to full work so full work is where are headed. Just slowly…

I don’t want to work all of that chunk off before the temperatures start to drop hehe.

Until next time… xo

6 thoughts on “Dylan Update 💛”

  1. Great news.

    Like you said, no rush. Take your time.

    Focus on the them and present. Have fun. Communicate. You can not let them down if you do these things. They are better than us and so forgiving. We can learn so much from them. Learn from the past and leave it there.

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