Horse Health, keratoma, Self Improvement, Uncategorized

Riding the Wave

All I know is that I am about ready to sit a buck to get some ride time as soon as this snow melts. We got in four good days of in-hand work and movement on the lunge before New England realized they almost missed the most important part of the winter. Snow. But we… Continue reading Riding the Wave


2023 : Wrap Up

We finally got that snow that has been making it's way around our little state so far this winter. I'm sad to see it go before having a chance to enjoy it with the boys, especially since it's being replaced with warm weather and lots of rain this week. At least I'm getting a chance… Continue reading 2023 : Wrap Up


Trying “New” Things

I originally thought this post could be "Winter is Coming" but I think I've used that already in the past and it's not quite cold enough yet, but we're getting there. You know it's coming when as soon as the sun goes down the arena freezes and you're left with too much of a crunch… Continue reading Trying “New” Things


Too Fast

You know the Holiday season is upon us when one minute you're putting pumpkins on your front step and buying candy, and the next you're trying to ignore the multitude of Black Friday emails warning you Christmas is just around the corner. What's worse? Realizing it's been a month since your last blog post. Whoops!… Continue reading Too Fast


Time for Turnout

Someone finally got to make their way out onto full turnout over the last couple weeks. A few hours turned into a couple half days and then finally full days. Game on baby. Although he's not out with his buddies just yet, I'm sure Dylan was just as happy to at least have neighbors within… Continue reading Time for Turnout


Perfectionism (it’s a wordy one)

Something that Katie from ISC and I have been working on in my bi-weekly sessions is figuring out where my beliefs, supportive and not so much, are stemmed from. I wish I could channel the knowledge she has into my posts but I can only really put down my understanding and how it pertains to… Continue reading Perfectionism (it’s a wordy one)


Of Course…

I feel like I could write a book at this point going over all of the adventures Wendy and I have survived over our 10-year (and continuing) friendship. A Series of Unfortunate Pony-Shenanigans we could call it. Obviously we have our lost shoe stories where most of them involve me almost dying, but that's normal.… Continue reading Of Course…


Dylan Update 💛

We love a trip to Tufts, especially when you're running late, it's cold and rainy, and your palomino decides that their pee spot is the best place to take a hard nap right before being loaded onto the trailer. No time to brush! Move those self-loading feet! Obviously this was the day that what seemed… Continue reading Dylan Update 💛

Horse Health, keratoma, Self Improvement, Uncategorized

A Good Report / Dylan Update

Another 6 weeks had come and gone and it was time to load up for a quick trip to visit our favorite vet and friends at Tufts. Being met with smiles when I say, " I have Pickle Chip" at check-in gave me such a warm feeling. I did mention he was a little on… Continue reading A Good Report / Dylan Update

Horse Trials, Pony Shenanigans, Self Improvement, Trail Rides, Uncategorized

Unexpected Outcomes

It's always those times that you don't have "create content" on your list of priorities only to you wish you had. Although, things may have ended up differently if it was. The whole weekend was quite busy especially in prep for the show. I had my session with Katie bright and early because I needed… Continue reading Unexpected Outcomes